Ag Land Leveling & Contouring Started in 1980 as an Owner-Operator equipment rental house to the construction industry and an ag-land laser leveling service for the Fresno and surrounding counties in the San Joaquin Valley, MJ Avila Company, dba Anthony’s Laser Leveling has consistently worked under the assumption of service first. In a tight market with low margins, a company could not afford to lose its customers. Initially projects were limited to square-sided tracks of land, where efficiency was the only mode for gaining and building volume. Overtime however, the efficiency led to the possibility of doing more, in a broader range of services and with the same focus on customer service and excellence. Advanced Technology MJ Avila Co. quickly realized that being competitive meant growing and adding services. To break out from the pure ag land work, required using existing equipment in innovative ways. And thus the break-out into the earthmoving business, where the low ground weight of the company’s preferred tractors, and 19.5yd scraper-haulers, with up to three units behind a tractor, combined with top-loading or self-loading capabilities means the current generation of MJ Avila’s earthmoving division can effectively, efficiently and competitively move large quantities of earth in nearly non-stop mode. To improve the efficiency even further, MJ Avila invested early on in the most modern and automated combination of land CAD software and lasers such as Terramodel and Sitework, GPS data collection, and machine guidance systems. The combination of a comfortable environment in the fully enclosed tractor cabs, digital-map guided cuts and fills, and pre-planned contouring means that all jobs start and end using the same techniques. A process that is repeatable, easy to learn yet effective in transporting mass quantities of earth at the lowest possible cost – a cost savings that is passed to the client, ensuring an ever-growing client base, and new areas of operations. |